Why a bike?


New member
I was just curious as to why people chose to ride bikes over driving cars? I do them both, best of both worlds in my eyes. I ride my bike when I want to get away and clear my mind.

what about you?


New member
This is an odd one for me. My early experience with motorcycles was in Germany in 1982. My car broke down on the autobahn, some sadistic BMW rider picked me up to take me to the next exit, and proceeded to do so at nearly the speed of light....well it seemed that way. His full intent was to scare the crap out of me and he did. I never touched a bike until 3 years ago. Having a truck that gets 9 miles to the gallon and having to park about 3/4 mile from my building, (There is motorcycle lot right behind my building), I decided to try the Pennsylvania sponsored cycle course to see what I thought, passed, got my license, and slowly worked my courage up to commuting. With the CTX700, my third bike, I take great pride in paying $4 for the week rather than $65 plus for gas in my truck. If Pennsylvania's riding season was a bit longer, the bike would easily pay for itself. I notice that I am a very calm rider on the bike, still very tense when I am in a car. I'm like a completely different person, never in a hurry. I love it!
