How many of you own a CTX700?


New member
Hey Trellum,

I am on the same boat as you and not sure I will owning one in the near future. However, one of my friend had taken a ride and really loves the CTX 700. Of course, that is no guarantee that I will love it too, leave alone hoping that you would .. :)


New member
I personally own a black 2011 model and this was simply awesome till date. It gives very good mileage and its stylish look makes anyone follow me ;)



New member
I have a CTX 700 and I can tell you, I LOVE IT. It fits all my needs and wants and I have no regret it at all. It looks great, the engine is great, its SUPER comfortable and I mean, what more can you ask for?

Hopefully this helps and if you have any further questions, feel free to ask me or private message me!


New member
Share the pictures Chaos! We'll love to drool over something we wish we had lol. Image how many of us will be jealous and envying that bike you have sitting there.