Most memorable ride


Once in Wyoming I ran into a major storm on my bike. I had just left Jackson Hole and was headed towards Denver on my way home. The day was perfect, the sun was shining, the temperature was pleasant and I could see the storm from a very long ways away. It was dark black and stretched before me to the west and east as far as I could see. I could see lightning strikes all over. If I had any sense I would have stopped, but I kept going. The storm was like a wall in front of me, one side was bright and sunny, the other dark and turbulent. I crossed over into the storm and it was so strong that it shredded my rainsuit apart in minutes. It was dark even though it was daytime, the rain poured down in sheets, lightning was striking all around me, I was soaked, but I rode on. The bike was being jerked around by the wind but I kept my pace, I had a destination in mind and I wasn't going to stop till I got there. Eventually the rain let up some, but it remained dreary and cold and I was alone on the road for what felt like a lifetime. I felt a strong emotion of foreboding the entire time, This emotion was new to me, almost overwhelming, something that I never knew I was capable of feeling. Hours passed and later that day out of the dreariness I saw some dim lights off in the distance. My emotion began changing from despair into elation. I saw those dim lights as a haven, almost as a salvation. The closer I got, the more my feelings changed, it was dramatic change, another emotion that was new to me. I pulled off the road and found that I had arrived at Laramie Wyoming. I found a place to stay and as I began falling asleep, I felt a sense of peace, I slept very well that night.

After 35+ years, the memory of that ride is still strong in my mind, the feelings I felt, the experience, were all new to me. I was glad It happened and I never want it to happen again.

I've had many wonderful beautiful days of riding, but this one is the one that had the strongest impact on me. It opened my eyes to new emotions and it allowed me to understand others who have felt similarly. I had no idea that it was possible to feel those things and it also gave me more appreciation and understanding for people experiencing emotions I that I have yet to.